Snipes n Snarfblatts

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More Jyn Erso In Newest Episode Of "Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny"

I've liked a lot of these Star Wars: Forces of Destiny episodes, especially in this new season. This one falls on a middle ground for me though, for a couple of reasons. One it contains Jyn Erso, which while I liked for Rogue One, she's not the most likable character. It worked for the movie, as she was playing a role that would get redeemed by the end. Where as used as a normal character with others in the Star Wars universe she doesn't come off as one of the scoundrels like a Han or a Lando with their redeeming qualities, she comes off as just unlikable all around. The biggest contributor to this being just meh for me is this is a prime example of why these episodes should be longer. This scene has meaning beyond it's message. However, without context we don't know what all this is even for. It's stuff like that that made a lot of the first season episodes seem like they really had no standing in the grand scheme of the Star Wars universe. Getting a little more time here on both ends would give some significance to the plans they're running around with. But hey, if my biggest gripe is that it should be longer that's saying something for it. What did y'all think of this episode though? In fact what about the whole of season 2 so far? Put it in the comments, like, & share.