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Is This That Notorious Game Of Sabacc? New "Solo: A Star Wars Story" TV Spots

Two new TV spots for Solo: A Star Wars Story have been released over the last couple of days. The first shows the meeting of Han & his furry copilot Chewbacca, as well as what could be the notorious game of Sabacc, where Han wins the Millennium Falcon from Lando. (I hope Lucasfilm doesn't miss this marketing chance to sell me a Sabacc deck!) Then, speaking of Lando, we get some exciting team up action in the second TV spot. It's exciting & scary at the same time to see Star Wars giving us something that almost feels like another genre still in the universe. I'm definitely getting a heist film vibe out of all these trailers. Especially, this second TV spot. All in all though, the more I see of this I'm having more & more faith in it actually being a good film. Lord knows all the chips have been stacked against it. I did get a scary feeling for the first time while watching these though. I've heard other people say it, but this is the first time I've wondered, if this is too much Star Wars? Star Wars has always had a certain feel to them. Seeming like almost grand events when they come out. Even the prequels, love or hate, are on another level for me than other films. However, for the first time this one just feels like a movie to me, & that's a little troubling. Hopefully, after actually seeing this I can say I'm wrong, & this is every bit as magical as the other Star Wars films. We won't find out for sure until May 25th. Until then, what do y'all think? Too much Star Wars? As good as this looks, do you think it will hold up? Put it in the comments, like, & share.