Snipes n Snarfblatts

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Donald Glover Gives A Tour Of Lando's Millennium Falcon

I'm already convinced that Donald Glover's Lando will be by far the best aspect of May 25th's Solo: A Star Wars Story . This video just added fuel to my fire. Donald Glover gives you a full rundown of Lando's Millennium Falcon, before it became the "hunk of junk" we know it as. The tour is even complete with a walk through of the Cape room. Which, of course, Lando would have a cape room. I can't think of anyone else right now I would pick besides Glover to fill the shoes of Billy Dee Willams. Each time we see more, I'm that much more convinced not only will Lando steal this film, but we missed a great chance. A Lando film's where it's at. He's the main reason I'm excited for this film. Now I'm going to watch this a couple more times to freeze frame all the parts of the Falcon. Because yes, it's that serious. While I'm doing that let me know your thoughts on this video, like, & share.