20 Century Fox's “Underwater” Looks Insanely Intense
There was a movie years ago called Descent. It took a group of women spelunking caverns, an already tense situation, & added these creepy blind creatures. Underwater looks like it's cut from the same cloth. I was already getting creeped out with while deep underwater aspect with the leak. Then there’s also something down there they’ve unleashed. Along with we gotta get out & walk? Yeah, I'm so in! Love the cast! This looks like rip the seat off in front you in the theater intensity. 20th Century Fox may be experiencing some cutbacks soon, but i’m glad this isn't one of them. Anyway, what do y'all think of this trailer? Does it seem as intriguing to you as it is me? Put it in the comments, like, & share. I'll keep up with 100% confirmed things like trailers throughout the build up to D23. In which I'll be addressing all the developments there via a wrap up video. So be on the lookout for that, everything will be picking back up shortly afterwards.