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Stephen Chbosky Signed To Disney's "Prince Charming"

I'm going to be honest, I didn't even know this was a thing. So when I heard this, I found myself scratching my head. Collider had a THR report that Wonder helmer Stephen Chbosky signed on to write, with the possibility of also directing Disney's Prince Charming. I haven't seen Wonder, so my thoughts are really reserved on that aspect. That said, when I first heard that part, I thought that'd be pretty cool, we've never really got a movie from a prince's perspective. Then I got to the synopsis. Apparently, Matt Fogel wrote the initial script, a take on the generic Prince character from Sleeping Beauty & Snow White. However, it's told from Prince Charming's brother, who never quite lived up to the family name. See, they had me until that last part. With all the princesses that little girls get to look up to, I thought we were going to finally get another movie about a prince. A male counterpart to the princesses, with some of the same morals & values. Now I could be reading way into this, but it seems as if while we're on this big women empowering movement, we're on a man depowering movement. I know this sounds like it's going down that slippery slope, but I'm not. I'm just asking, can we empower everybody? Maybe this just feels like a low blow because the closest boys get to a prince seems to always be in animal form, or the prince character winds up being a major prick. Sorry, I feel like I got my hopes up, & they were crushed. And who knows? This could still be good. It sounds like they're going for comedy, & it could be pretty funny. I just thought it would be really cool to get a prince-like story again like Sword in the Stone. What do y'all think about all this though? Put it in the comments, like, & share.