Chris Evans Fires Back at Rumors

Chris Evans has spoken out to "Collider" about the news that he may walk away from the shield once his contract is up. He went on record as saying, "It's really not up to me. My contract is up. I'm not going to sit here and say, no more. I think Hugh Jackman has made 47 Wolverine movies and they somehow keep getting better.. It's a character I love and it's a factory that really knows what they're doing. The system is sound over there. They make great movies. If they weren't kicking out quality I'd have a different opinion, but everything Marvel does seems to be cinema gold and like I said, I love the character. The only reason it would end is cuz my contract is up. After Avengers 4 my contract is done." He also went on to say that he would be totally open to discussing the idea of continuing as the First Avenger saying, "If we engage further I'd be open to it I love the character." So there you go Captain America himself telling us that we do not have to worry he will if he can still be the leader to our Avengers as long as they'll have him. So what do you think now that we know he wants to stay do we want him or do we want to give someone else a try if the shield? Me, I'm all for Chris Evans for life. iF he wants to pull off the Wolverine thing we'll let him.

Chris Evan Hangin up the Shield?

Heard on Collider News today that in an interview with Esquire Chris Evans seemed to tell them that after the second "Avengers: Infinity War", his contract will be fulfilled, & he will be hanging up the shield. That's Avengers part 4 for those keeping count the old fashioned way. Not everyone can be Wolverine. That's not me being ungrateful either. Thank you Chris Evans for your amazing portrayal as the First Avenger. I also want to point out these exact words did nit come out of his mouth so it could be taken with a grain of salt as it could be Esquire over-reading. I'm just hoping this isn't a backwards way to get more pay. I'm figuring it's not as this isn't the first time I've heard him toying with the idea. Then again he's also said he'd play Cap forever. If anything is true of this though, I'm guessing this is his way to soften the blow of a death scene in the future. As we tend to be pretty protective of the loss of our on screen heroes.