Dates Have Been Announced For New "Star Tours" Destination

I had the pleasure last week of taking a couple different Star Tours at Disney's Hollywood Studios. I got to go to the busy, cityscape of Corucsant, followed by another trip to the underwater, Gungan cities of Naboo. On my travels, I couldn't help but think of my last trip to Jakku being timed with The Force Awakens, & when they would be adding any new planets from The Last Jedi. I wasn't too surprised to get home & see that Disney has now announced that November 17th in the states, November 22nd in Paris, & December 15th in Tokyo, Star Tours will be taking passengers to Crait. Right in the middle of the battle featured in the trailer. If you don't know what I'm speaking of, it's the scene with all the ships blowing red sand or smoke behind them. This is cool, I love Star Tours, it's my second favorite ride in Hollywood Studios. (Next to Aerosmith Rocking Roller Coaster nothing beats speeding around a coaster to the tune of Sweet Emotion in the dark.) Now that I finally got to go to two different destinations on the same day, I'm really digging how this ride can be a totally different experience every time you get on. If this is anything like last time they will turn all the tours to Crait for about a month so everyone gets a chance to check it out. What do y'all think of this addition to the list of out of this world destinations for Star Tours? Put it in the comments, like, & share.
