No Points For Creativity, But Untitled Han Solo Film Finally Has A Name

Anyone who's been listening knows throughout all the problems, I've been anxiously waiting for the untitled Han Solo film to become the titled Han Solo film. That day has finally come, & it feels like someone, namely Ron Howard, is screwing with me. I've been telling everyone from day one not to be surprised if this movie winds up being named Han Solo: A Star Wars Story. I was wrong though, & they have decided to go with Solo: A Star Wars Story. Like you see, I was way off. I still had my fingers crossed for something cool like Kessel Run, but now we have "Alone" or "Red Plastic Cup": A Star Wars Story. I can't be surprised, like I said, I figured this would be the name from the beginning. Not only that though, I'm thinking we con just tag this title onto all the Star Wars Anthology films. So expect Jabba: A Star Wars Story, Boba Fett: A Star Wars Story, Yoda: A Star Wars Story, & Kenobi: A Star Wars Story. Look at me, I'm a regular name generator. Anyway, what do you think of this amazingly creative name, & what insights does this name give you into the story? I'm going with it's a story that takes place in Star Wars. Put your thoughts in the comments, like, & share.
