New Star Wars Films Set In “High Republic Era”

Been awhile since I've wrote anything, but this is pretty big. has reported sources placing the next saga in the “High Republic era. Usually very reputable, they say this sounds like it will be 400 years before the Skywalker saga. During a time of Bane's Rule of Two, & a much younger Jedi Yoda. Notice it says Saga, as reportedly this will not be a trilogy. Instead a saga of films that are interconnected via the era they’re told in. Supposedly this is what was supposed to go to Benoiff & Weiss before they moved on. Nothing really much in details other than this, & it will involve Jedi & non-Jedi. I can’t help but be a little concerned. I loved The Last Jedi, but that love wasn’t universal due mainly to its surprises, & stray from the EU. Here we’ve got what looks like the closest thing to Knights of the Old Republic we’re ever gonna get. That said we’re once again touching familiar ground that probably won’t be familiar at all if they want a good film. The masses have proved though, they want their Star Wars to be predictable, & only move in the directions they have already approved in their own heads. So, all in all I'm cautiously excited for this, as I've wanted a new cinematic spin on these times. Unlike others though, I feel like it should pull form history but not give us something we’ve already seen. Shake it up. Anyway, what’s y’all's thoughts? Do you wanna see a rehash of KOTOR, or something new with the original material just used as inspiration? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


“Final” Trailer For “Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker” Is A Lot To Take In

The title says it all. This trailer has a lot going on in it. Obviously it's gonna take more than the three watches I've had to soak it all in. However, off the top I notice this is going for big. Real big. Whether that comes off as epic or a bunch of screen noise, will really depend on the content around all of it. That's the first thing that comes to my head mainly due to J.J. Abrams track record with me. I’ve always thought he was great starting off stories. Just not at finishing them up. I’ve never been too impressed with his endings. Hence my favorite of his being the first Star Trek remake. Which was basically left wide open, followed by the step back in my opinion that was Into the Darkness. Star Wars wise, there's few things off top that stood out for me. It's looking like the Emperor may have merged with the Death Star. I could be wrong on that, but that's where my head went when I saw the robotic, cloaked figure in front of Rey. Loved the whole their coming together will be there undoing. I’m hoping that's a Rey team-up with Kylo thing, but that just seems too likely to actually be it. Then there was the C3P0 “look at my friends scene. Could be touching, could be corny. Either way glad they showed it so it dosen’t get the Leia Poppins treatment when people see it. A scene I loved, but I think a lot of people wasn’t ready for it. A glimpse might have changed that. Anyway, this trailer displays pretty much all the action that was missing out of the others. I’ll probably notice a hundred more things as I rewatch it. Very busy, but I dug it for what it was. Visually stunning, action eye candy. I love it's called the Final Trailer. As if there's not going to be a million TV spots, clips, & “special looks” bombarding us over the months. What do y'all think of this look though when added to what we’ve already seen? Add whether you were pro- Last Jedi or anti- Last Jedi. As always, put it in the comments, like, & share.

Major Rey Development In D23 Trailer For Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

This is why I'm holding off a bit on my D23 wrap-up video. The big news is obviously Disney+, but there are some looks at things that were given that I'm hoping we'll get a look at. This is one if them. Even though it's more of a montage than a trailer, this Star Wars footage drove everyone nuts with an end that will keep us speculating until Rise of Skywalker's release. Rey wielding a double bladed, RED lightsaber. I’m not even going to begin speculating on this one. Mainly because my head went in so many different directions. From she’s turned, to it's a trick, no a vision, to it's clone, all the way to no shes's a clone. They can literally go anywhere with this. Crazy thing is, I didn't think there was much else they could do to get me excited for this movie. Totally wrong. I can’t wait to see where all this winds up. Awesome look. What’d y'all think? Did I miss any possibilities? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Star Wars/Disney+ Makes Obi-wan Announcement, The Mandalorian Trailer, And More At D23

Lots of big stuff hit D23 yesterday when it comes to the upcoming Disney+ streaming service. One of the things that I've been most excited for when it comes to this service has been its Star Wars content, & they did not disappoint at D23and for Star Wars fans everywhere - it did not disappoint. Along with confirming a prequel series for Cassian Andor starring Diego Luna and Alan Tudyk (as K2SO), announcing that The Clone Wars will return in February 2020, & debuting the first amazing trailer for The Mandalorian, they revealed Ewan McGregor hitting the stage to confirm that he will return as Obi-Wan Kenobi in a Disney+ series; with the scripts written and filming to begin next year in 2020! This has been rumored for awhile now, but the confirmation with Ewan McGregor is great. Plus if there's any doubts whatsoever in the quality of what's to come, that's what the trailer's for. I loved this first trailer for The Mandalorian! It oozes Star Wars from the very beginning, & all throughout has that original feel. On top of that it also has that old epic gunfighter western feel to it as well as promised. I wouldn't doubt it if I run through this series on day 1. Anyway more Disney+ to come from D23 as well as a full wrap up show Monday morning. Stay up, & let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Michelle Rejwan Now Senior VP Live Action Development And Production For Lucasfilm

Hollywood Reporter reports Michelle Rejwan is now the Senior VP of Live Action Development & Production. She will oversee new feature films as well Disney+ series while still producing with president Kathleen Kennedy. That seems like a hefty responsibility to drop on someone who's previous credits at Lucasfilm are producing The Force Awakens & The Rise of Skywalker. Kennedy really sees something in her though, having “seen first-hand her skills collaborating with writers and directors, and I've been incredibly impressed with her creative skills and her ability to manage the complexity surrounding these massive projects.” Can she be the Feige of Star Wars? Time will tell. After the hate Kennedy got from the last installment, which I loved by the way, one could think this is just to give her a scapegoat if things don't go as well over the next few projects. Curious to see how much influence this winds up having as a whole. What do y'all think? Trust in Kennedy? Or do you think maybe a more vetted choice would have been better? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order E3 Trailer & Gameplay

I'm a couple days late on this one, but I wanted to talk about it anyway. A new trailer debuted at E3 for the game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, along with some gameplay footage. After the trailer at Star Wars Celebration, I've been anticipating this game's release. This new footage adds a familiar face to the fray in the form of Saw Guererra of Star Wars; Rogue One fame. Which tells us this game will have some significance to it when it comes to the storyline in one form or another. The gameplay is highly reminiscent of Star Wars Force Unleashed. Which is by no means a bad thing. The gameplay to Unleashed was it's best factor. That game only really fell short for me in story. Mainly because it felt like an Elseworldy more alternative timeline kinda thing. Obviously though it resembles Force Unleashed, it's definitely an upgraded version. My only concern is it's got some major shoes to fill in my book. The last time I anticipated a game such as I anticipate this one it was Star Wars: KOTOR. This one's edge however is fitting into a storyline I'm highly invested in. If they can pull that off, I'm happy to play just for the film aspect. What about y'all though? What excites you more playing the game, or hearing where it's story fits in? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Peter Mayhew Has Become One With The Force

I always hate writing anything like this. Yesterday we lost Peter Mayhew. The man best known for filling the fur, & bringing to life the mighty Chewbacca from Star Wars: A New Hope, all the way Star Wars: The Force Awakens. That said, through the course of these films he's been a major part of my life, even before I grew up & realized Chewy was actually an actor in a suit. I know many people who met you, & said your kindness matched your enormous size. I wish I could've joined their ranks before we lost you. May the Force be with you. Always. 


"Star Wars: Clone Wars" Season 7 Looks Epic

I wasn't on board with Star Wars: Clone Wars from the jump. I couldn't stand the idea of Anakin having a padwan. Much less one as annoying as Ahsoka. However, somewhere in the mix of watching, I reversed my thoughts on both subjects. I not only fell in love with this series, Ahsoka Tano became one of my favorite characters in the Star Wars universe. I actually felt it when she left the order, & her coming back in Rebels just made that series even greater than it was in my eyes. When I saw the first look at the new season I got concerned as to how they'd explain her back in. This new season trailer for season 7 of Clone Wars has erased all those concerns. I don't even care about the specifics, this looks friggin' awesome. I'm not only in for this run, I already want more. Not only do you have more Tano, but furthering Rex's story, more Maul? I'm super pumped for this! Curious though, what are y'all's thoughts of this new trailer? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

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Even The Coke Products In "Galaxy's Edge" Will Be Themed!

Out of all the places I've seen that Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge will be taking my money, I never though Coca-Cola products would be on that list. Put 'em there though, 'cuz these special bottles for a galaxy far, far away are awesome. Now I'm just hoping after they completely empty my pockets on creatures, chance dice, sabacc cards, & lightsabers, I'll have enough to grab all of  these too. Luckily these seem to be a forever staple so there's no big rush. Just another thing however to add to the amazing amount of immersion going into the world of Batuu.

"Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order" Looks Amazing!

 With Star Wars Celebration basically telling me how much of my money they were going to take with Galaxy's Edge, I didn't think EA was gonna get a piece too. However, Star Wars: Fallen Jedi Order is the first game I've been excited for in years. Become Cal Kestis, one of the last surviving members of the Jedi Order after the purge of Order 66. Take the future of this Padwan in this all-new single-player Star Wars story from Respawn Entertainment and EA Star Wars on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC hitting shelves the 15th of November.  Set after Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, you'll develop your Force abilities, hone your lightsaber techniques, and explore the ancient mysteries of a long-lost civilization. At the same time dodging the Empire and its deadly Inquisitors. This sounds friggin' awesome. I've been waiting for something like this since Star Wars: Force Unleashed. The story to this one sound way more deep & enriched in canon. My Fall through Xmas has just become Star Wars. What did y'all think? I know we've become weary of this notion,  but are you ready to throw EA more money? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Star Wars Episode IX Panel At Celebration Unleashes The Trailer, Name, And A Little More

The Episode IX panel was probably one of the most fun panels I've ever sat through. Worth watching just for Billy Dee Willams alone. A couple really big things I took out of this though besides the name & trailer was J.J. mentioning this takes place some time after TLJ, the whole group will embark on this mission, & the characters fighting the light & dark to face the bigger evil. Which left me like Colbert, who hosted the whole thing, wondering what the bigger evil could possibly be. Oh yeah, then there's the name Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker, & a perfect teaser trailer. This thing has me so pumped, & if you're not convinced that's the emperor laughing in the background, Celebration cut to Ian McDiarmid himself to roll it yet again. I know we're gonna see more, but they could have my money based just on this. Luke's lightsaber's back, apparently so is some form of Luke, & Emperor Palpatine himself. This looks epic! The backflip over the tie fighter, Kylo's run-through Braveheart style, Lando back in driver's seat of the Falcon? A perfect send off for the Skywalker saga. The trailer's at the bottom if you haven't seen it. Check it out, & don't forget to let me know what you think in the comments, like, & share.

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"The Mandalorian" Has It's... Mandalorian.

Pedro Pascal (Marcos) has been tapped for the title role of the lone Mandalorian gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy in The Mandalorian . The new series will be exclusive to the Disney+ streaming service coming in 2019. He'll be joined by Gina Carano (Deadpool), Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad), Emily Swallow (Supernatural), Carl Weathers (Predator), Omid Abtahi (American Gods), Werner Herzog (Grizzly Man), and Nick Nolte (Affliction). The Mandalorian is written and executive produced by Jon Favreau, with Dave Filoni (Star War: Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rebels) directing the first episode and also serving as executive producer alongside Kathleen Kennedy and Colin Wilson. Additional episodes will be picked up by directors including Deborah Chow (Jessica Jones), Rick Famuyiwa (Dope), Bryce Dallas Howard (Solemates), and Taika Waititi (Thor: Ragnarok). While I'm not 100% familiar with most these names, save Favreau, Filoni, Nolte, & Watiti. I am familiar with all of the shows, & I will say there's not one listed that isn't amazing. That said you can only blame the talent involved. So I'm pretty ecstatic to hear this lineup just based on the awesomeness of what they've previously been involved in. I'm actually really excited for this outer rim "western" take on Star Wars.  Especially hearing there's a lot of tried & true talent getting recruited. What are y'all's thoughts though? Am I the only one  excited for "western" take on Star Wars  that strays a little from everything & everyone we're used to? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

First Teaser For New Animated "Star Wars: Galaxy Of Adventures"

Upon first glance the first teaser for Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures looked absolutely amazing. However, I couldn't really hear what I was watching at the time. When I got to a spot where I could hear, I couldn't help but notice although the animation looks friggin' amazing, a lot of the actual substance just looks like hyper-active retreads on the original films. Still not sure exactly what I think of that aspect. I'd know I'd much rather see some new material, but can't help but keep thinking how amazing this teaser looked. The shorts are coming Nov 30th to a new YouTube channel, Star Wars Kids, & will also air on Disney Channel & Disney XD. If the name of the new channel dosen't give it away, they're obviously aiming towards kids for this one. That doesn't mean we all won't love it though. The best thing is we don't have to wait to long to find out. The more I think about it, if these are as good as they look, I'd be down for a full animated version of the classics. Curious what everyone else thinks though? Are you ready to tread old grounds in animated form? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

George Lucas Attached To "Obi-wan"? Very Skeptical.

When Boris Johnson got up to give a speech at the DUP Annual Conference in Belfast I'm not quite sure he realized the most important part around the world would be, ".... where does George Lucas propose to make a follow up about Obi-Wan Kenobi? Northern Ireland." I have to immediately question this though. Mainly because I'm convinced there's a slip of tongue here. Northern Ireland's no surprise, & Obi-wan's been teased so much his film's basically a given. The slip I'm speaking of is George Lucas. I just can't bring myself to believe that would happen. Personally I think he was just referring to Lucasfilm, & with more important matters at hand he dropped the maker's name. I couldn't really blame him I'm sure there's a lot of people who just think of George Lucas when they think of Star Wars  still. However, let's say for the sake of conversation this is true. Would it really be a good idea? I'm majorly a fan of the prequels, especially Episode III, but I recognize throughout them all George Lucas is not a good director. An imaginative genius he is, an amazing idea man he is, but a director he is not. Putting even that aside though, would this be a good idea for Disney? I have loved everything Disney has done since taking over, but I do acknowledge that a good portion of the fanbase has not. With that though wouldn't that just look like Disney waving the white flag, & give up? It feels like that would take this franchise back out of their hands. Not in literal terms, but they'd basically be admitting it can't be done without Lucas. I don't know, I'm writing off the George Lucas involvement for now, but it was said according to "The Spectator". What do y'all think though? Would anyone like to see Lucas direct this? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


Name & Synopsis Drops For Star Wars Series Coming To Disney Streaming

There are some things I just have to drop everything I'm doing for, this is definitely one. "After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the Star Wars universe. The Mandalorian is set after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. We follow the travails of a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic." This was the name drop & accompanied synopsis writer & series producer Favreau shared in a post on his Instagram account. If you don't know, this will be the Star Wars series coming to Disney's upcoming streaming service in 2019. One of my most anticipated parts of said streaming service, hearing this synopsis has me absolutely giddy. This sounds like it could be an amazing Western in the Star Wars Galaxy. Something I didn't get enough of with Solo . I really enjoyed the feel that movie had, & I would love to see more if that Western style. Strange timing, being post Jango & Boba Fett. That's gonna be an interesting time frame to tackle. Personally, I'd have picked a time when Mandalore was thriving, but Favreau hasn't done me wrong yet. Anyway, thoughts on some really big Star Wars news? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


First Look At Team Fireball Of "Star Wars: Resistance"

Disney put up this first look at the main cast of Star Wars: Resistance , the new animated show coming to Disney Channel October 7th, & honestly, I wasn't expecting it to be this aimed at kids. I've been defending Star Wars animation since Clone Wars . Stating over & over it wasn't really made with kids in mind. This one has a different feel straight out the gate. It's definitely aimed more at children than it's predecessors. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to watch it. I am lowering my expectations a little though. The overall storyline seems intriguing, but I question how serious any ramifications will be, given the tone implied from this look. On another note, my just turned 5 daughter is going to absolutely love this. Nonetheless, it's Star Wars , I'm curious no matter what. Bring it on. What are y'all's thoughts on this new, more juvenile look at the galaxy far, far away? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Am I The Only One Who Can't Get Too Excited For Star Wars Casting?

So, Star Wars Episode IX  has added Dominic Monaghan of LOTR  & Lost fame, as well as former Doctor Who Matt Smith, over the past couple days. Normally this news would have me super pumped, but these known actors seem to just not matter. They're either hidden or wind up like Benicio Del Toro in TLJ . I really liked his character. However it being Del Toro, it seemed like not only a small role, but a waste of an awesome actor. Star Wars  just seems to swallow big actors & totally make smaller ones. I'm curious to find out more about these characters nonetheless. I'm just not too excited for them to mean anything. Won't know for sure until we see it though. What do y'all think? Do we even need big names in the Star Wars galaxy? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


First Look At Upcoming "Star Wars: Resistance"!!

Here's a first look at what we can expect October 7th on the Disney Channel with the premiere of Star Wars: Resistance . As usual with Star Wars I'm not jumping up & down with the animation style. That said however Star Wars   animation has delivered some of the most amazing stories outside the original trilogy. The Clone Wars  & Rebels  weren't perfect every episode, but as a whole were something I thoroughly enjoyed. Much more than I ever thought I would. Especially when you factor in that I don't like the animation style of neither. This one has me really intrigued too. I hope this contains a good amount of building on the existence of the Resistance. I've read the books so I'm pretty adept with what's going in the New Republic. They've just let this militia of sorts exist with little explanation. I'm hoping this does a good job of clearing some of that up. The preview looks good though. Kinda Star Wars  meets Top Gun . I'm in. Hopefully, this will keep the tradition Star Wars  animation has had for me. I dug it, what'd y'all think though? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Carrie Fisher & Mark Hamill Will Return For "Star Wars: Episode IX"!!!

The cast has been released for the upcoming Star Wars: Episode IX . According to, the movie will begin filming at London’s Pinewood Studios on August 1, 2018. J.J. Abrams will return to direct the final installment of the Skywalker saga, with a script by Abrams and co-writer Chris Terrio. The biggest announcement by far was the return of Leia Organa once again played by Carrie Fisher, using previously unreleased footage shot for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Another big surprise is the return of Mark Hamill to the role of Luke Skywalker. Probably much more blue & see through than we're used to. Other returning cast members also announced include Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong’o, Domhnall Gleeson, Kelly Marie Tran, Joonas Suotamo, Billie Lourd, Anthony Daniels, and Billy Dee Williams, who will reprise his iconic role as Lando Calrissian. I'm absolutely giddy with excitement right now. I had remembered a throwaway comment about unused Leia footage, & I've been waiting to see how they were going to handle the unfortunate demise of Carrie Fisher. Hopefully they've got enough footage to really give the character a real worthy send off. Absolutely love the idea of a Luke force ghost. It just seems like the natural thing to do with the character next. Obviously I'm excited for Lando's return. I've mentioned before, he's one of my favorite side characters. Even though he'd probably be pretty upset I see him as a side character. As for the rest of the cast, it's no surprise they're all returning. They're far from finished. Worried about the JJ thing. Not because of JJ himself, I just hope the decision isn't due to the mixed thoughts on The Last Jedi . I dug that one, but mainly I hope they don't injure themselves trying to backpedal. Anyway, yay!!! Carrie Fisher & Mark Hamill! What ya think? Awaiting their return as much as I am? Any theories? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

