Star Wars/Disney+ Makes Obi-wan Announcement, The Mandalorian Trailer, And More At D23

Lots of big stuff hit D23 yesterday when it comes to the upcoming Disney+ streaming service. One of the things that I've been most excited for when it comes to this service has been its Star Wars content, & they did not disappoint at D23and for Star Wars fans everywhere - it did not disappoint. Along with confirming a prequel series for Cassian Andor starring Diego Luna and Alan Tudyk (as K2SO), announcing that The Clone Wars will return in February 2020, & debuting the first amazing trailer for The Mandalorian, they revealed Ewan McGregor hitting the stage to confirm that he will return as Obi-Wan Kenobi in a Disney+ series; with the scripts written and filming to begin next year in 2020! This has been rumored for awhile now, but the confirmation with Ewan McGregor is great. Plus if there's any doubts whatsoever in the quality of what's to come, that's what the trailer's for. I loved this first trailer for The Mandalorian! It oozes Star Wars from the very beginning, & all throughout has that original feel. On top of that it also has that old epic gunfighter western feel to it as well as promised. I wouldn't doubt it if I run through this series on day 1. Anyway more Disney+ to come from D23 as well as a full wrap up show Monday morning. Stay up, & let me know your thoughts in the comments!

George Lucas Attached To "Obi-wan"? Very Skeptical.

When Boris Johnson got up to give a speech at the DUP Annual Conference in Belfast I'm not quite sure he realized the most important part around the world would be, ".... where does George Lucas propose to make a follow up about Obi-Wan Kenobi? Northern Ireland." I have to immediately question this though. Mainly because I'm convinced there's a slip of tongue here. Northern Ireland's no surprise, & Obi-wan's been teased so much his film's basically a given. The slip I'm speaking of is George Lucas. I just can't bring myself to believe that would happen. Personally I think he was just referring to Lucasfilm, & with more important matters at hand he dropped the maker's name. I couldn't really blame him I'm sure there's a lot of people who just think of George Lucas when they think of Star Wars  still. However, let's say for the sake of conversation this is true. Would it really be a good idea? I'm majorly a fan of the prequels, especially Episode III, but I recognize throughout them all George Lucas is not a good director. An imaginative genius he is, an amazing idea man he is, but a director he is not. Putting even that aside though, would this be a good idea for Disney? I have loved everything Disney has done since taking over, but I do acknowledge that a good portion of the fanbase has not. With that though wouldn't that just look like Disney waving the white flag, & give up? It feels like that would take this franchise back out of their hands. Not in literal terms, but they'd basically be admitting it can't be done without Lucas. I don't know, I'm writing off the George Lucas involvement for now, but it was said according to "The Spectator". What do y'all think though? Would anyone like to see Lucas direct this? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


Obi-Wan Kenobi Movie Announced With Rumors Of More Things To Come

I'm still not sure why Lucasfilm decided to go with a Han Solo film as the stand-alone follow up to Rogue One. If they would've been taking bets, my money would've been on something a little more Jedi-y. Even though I was wrong on that one, it looks like that's the direction we're going now. In a THR exclusive, Oscar-nominated, Stephen Daldry is in early talks to helm an Obi-Wan Kenobi stand-alone. This has been my most anticipated of all the rumored "Anthology" (Not Prequel) Star Wars films. Don't give up on those rumors by the way, as the article mentions Lucasfilm also considering Yoda & Boba Fett films, with Collider later even mentioning a Jabba the Hutt picture. Those sound pretty cool too, but they're only in "consideration stage" so we'll get back to Obi-Wan. Ewan McGregor, who played Kenobi in the Prequels (Many say the best part of them.), has expressed interests already in returning to the character. However, the sources wanted to emphasize that no actor or script is attached. That being said, Lucasfilm, (Because you're totally reading this...) you have to do this with McGregor. It's an obvious choice, that if not made will make me question the whole thing. Unless we're doing an Obi-Wan as a kid thing, in which I'd also have to question that as well. I think a film set on Tatooine while doing his hermit thing would be amazing, & Ewan falls at the perfect age for it. Only time will tell from here, but I already am more excited for this than Solo. Most importantly however, what do y'all think? Do you want to see this one? Is there one you'd rather see from the list of considerations? For that matter, is there something you'd want instead of all the above? Put it in the comments, like, & share. 
