George Lucas Attached To "Obi-wan"? Very Skeptical.

When Boris Johnson got up to give a speech at the DUP Annual Conference in Belfast I'm not quite sure he realized the most important part around the world would be, ".... where does George Lucas propose to make a follow up about Obi-Wan Kenobi? Northern Ireland." I have to immediately question this though. Mainly because I'm convinced there's a slip of tongue here. Northern Ireland's no surprise, & Obi-wan's been teased so much his film's basically a given. The slip I'm speaking of is George Lucas. I just can't bring myself to believe that would happen. Personally I think he was just referring to Lucasfilm, & with more important matters at hand he dropped the maker's name. I couldn't really blame him I'm sure there's a lot of people who just think of George Lucas when they think of Star Wars  still. However, let's say for the sake of conversation this is true. Would it really be a good idea? I'm majorly a fan of the prequels, especially Episode III, but I recognize throughout them all George Lucas is not a good director. An imaginative genius he is, an amazing idea man he is, but a director he is not. Putting even that aside though, would this be a good idea for Disney? I have loved everything Disney has done since taking over, but I do acknowledge that a good portion of the fanbase has not. With that though wouldn't that just look like Disney waving the white flag, & give up? It feels like that would take this franchise back out of their hands. Not in literal terms, but they'd basically be admitting it can't be done without Lucas. I don't know, I'm writing off the George Lucas involvement for now, but it was said according to "The Spectator". What do y'all think though? Would anyone like to see Lucas direct this? Put it in the comments, like, & share.
