The title says it all. This trailer has a lot going on in it. Obviously it's gonna take more than the three watches I've had to soak it all in. However, off the top I notice this is going for big. Real big. Whether that comes off as epic or a bunch of screen noise, will really depend on the content around all of it. That's the first thing that comes to my head mainly due to J.J. Abrams track record with me. I’ve always thought he was great starting off stories. Just not at finishing them up. I’ve never been too impressed with his endings. Hence my favorite of his being the first Star Trek remake. Which was basically left wide open, followed by the step back in my opinion that was Into the Darkness. Star Wars wise, there's few things off top that stood out for me. It's looking like the Emperor may have merged with the Death Star. I could be wrong on that, but that's where my head went when I saw the robotic, cloaked figure in front of Rey. Loved the whole their coming together will be there undoing. I’m hoping that's a Rey team-up with Kylo thing, but that just seems too likely to actually be it. Then there was the C3P0 “look at my friends scene. Could be touching, could be corny. Either way glad they showed it so it dosen’t get the Leia Poppins treatment when people see it. A scene I loved, but I think a lot of people wasn’t ready for it. A glimpse might have changed that. Anyway, this trailer displays pretty much all the action that was missing out of the others. I’ll probably notice a hundred more things as I rewatch it. Very busy, but I dug it for what it was. Visually stunning, action eye candy. I love it's called the Final Trailer. As if there's not going to be a million TV spots, clips, & “special looks” bombarding us over the months. What do y'all think of this look though when added to what we’ve already seen? Add whether you were pro- Last Jedi or anti- Last Jedi. As always, put it in the comments, like, & share.
Second Season Of "Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny" Superior To First
I just made it through the 8 episodes of Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny Season 2 that Disney released on it's YouTube channel earlier this week, & I have to say I enjoyed these far more than the first season. Most of these have actual ramifications to the Star Wars universe. Not to mention they are put together so much better than their predecessors. My favorite episodes in this order from the new season are The Path Ahead , Bounty Hunted , & Unexpected Company. The first two of those fill in some blanks with some always needed Yoda wisdom & how Leia got that bounty hunter costume, while the third just makes Ahsoka Tano that much more awesome. I also loved the addition of Mas Kanata to the original trilogy. The other episodes are really good as well, with some good messages for younger viewers in the form of Hasty Departure & Jyn's Trade . The only one of these episodes I could really do without is Shuttle Shock. Which is kinda a shame, as I thought this might finally get me to care about Rose Tico. It was wasted though, & that relationship between her & Finn still just seems forced to me. Check 'em out though. Let me know what you think? Put it in the comments, like, & share.
Who Says Star Wars Isn't For Girls With Trailer For "Star Wars: Forces of Destiny"
July 3rd on & July 9th on the Disney Channel, the galaxy far, far away get injected with some "girl power". Star Wars: Forces of Destiny, an original series of short stories featuring Rey, Jyn Erso, Princess Leia, Sabine Wren, Padme Amidala, Ahsoka Tano & other females of the Star Wars galaxy. After watching this preview I'm definitely excited this. Especially the Leia/Sabine Mission & I'll take any & everything you can give me involving Ahsoka Tano. Funny story, I couldn't stand Ahsoka when she first debuted. Now however, after watching all of Clone Wars, & then Rebels, I'm even on board for the book. Ahsoka is an awesome character, that I'm glad is really getting some attention as of late. Anyway, trailer's awesome. I wasn't that stoked for this until now. What do you think? Which character peaks your interest most? Let us know I the comments, like, & share.
Star Wars Ladies Get a New Series
Lucasfilm & Disney announced a new series of animated shorts accompanied by a Hasbro toyline that's gonna be all about the ladies. That's right girls, for the few remaining females left that say Star Wars is a guy thing, I have your rebuttal. Star Wars: Forces of Destiny will feature Rey, Jyn Erso, Princess Leia, Sabine Wren, Ahsoka Tano, & Maz Kanata. Did I mention the cast? These aren't going to be voice actors. Daisy Ridley, Felicity Jones, Tiya Sircar, Ashley Eckstein, & Lupita Nyong'o will lend their talents to help bring these characters to life. According to Collider, this series of mini-episodes will start in July on Disney YouTube followed by a two part special with eight episodes on Disney Channel in the Fall. Followed by toys, books, apparel, & bedding, this thing sounds like it's gonna be a powerhouse & usher in a new generation of young Star Wars fans. If it's anything like Clone Wars & Rebels it will also be highly appealing to the older generation of fans as well. Here's the first look.
Lego & Disney Do Star Wars in These 2 Amazing Videos
Disney has paired with The LEGO Group to put up these two awesome videos. The first one of which is a retelling of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story told in the form of Legos. This one's great. Just the effects and detail put into it amazes me. Mainly because there's no telling how long this thing actually took to put together. So a major pat on the back to those involved. This is awesome.
The second of the videos brings true creativity from two different directions as it is a Lego Rube Goldberg machine designed to destroy the Death Star. This was on another level as I've love Rube Goldberg machines since I was a kid. They just fascinate me. I played mouse trap lord knows how many times just to watch it work. So, taking the innovation that goes into one of these machines, bind it with how much it's no secret that I love Star Wars, & this video was just a small slice of greatness for me.