The title says it all. This trailer has a lot going on in it. Obviously it's gonna take more than the three watches I've had to soak it all in. However, off the top I notice this is going for big. Real big. Whether that comes off as epic or a bunch of screen noise, will really depend on the content around all of it. That's the first thing that comes to my head mainly due to J.J. Abrams track record with me. I’ve always thought he was great starting off stories. Just not at finishing them up. I’ve never been too impressed with his endings. Hence my favorite of his being the first Star Trek remake. Which was basically left wide open, followed by the step back in my opinion that was Into the Darkness. Star Wars wise, there's few things off top that stood out for me. It's looking like the Emperor may have merged with the Death Star. I could be wrong on that, but that's where my head went when I saw the robotic, cloaked figure in front of Rey. Loved the whole their coming together will be there undoing. I’m hoping that's a Rey team-up with Kylo thing, but that just seems too likely to actually be it. Then there was the C3P0 “look at my friends scene. Could be touching, could be corny. Either way glad they showed it so it dosen’t get the Leia Poppins treatment when people see it. A scene I loved, but I think a lot of people wasn’t ready for it. A glimpse might have changed that. Anyway, this trailer displays pretty much all the action that was missing out of the others. I’ll probably notice a hundred more things as I rewatch it. Very busy, but I dug it for what it was. Visually stunning, action eye candy. I love it's called the Final Trailer. As if there's not going to be a million TV spots, clips, & “special looks” bombarding us over the months. What do y'all think of this look though when added to what we’ve already seen? Add whether you were pro- Last Jedi or anti- Last Jedi. As always, put it in the comments, like, & share.
New Trailer For Final Season Of "Star Wars: Rebels" Looks Epic
After seeing this if you can't tell this series is coming to an end, you watched the wrong trailer. I've loved almost every episode of this series, & that's saying a lot for an animated as there's always some "throw-away" episodes. That said, I can only think of less than a handful of these I didn't find some significance in. This new trailer looks like the last season won't disappoint either. Everything's coming to a close, & it hints to the fact that our heroes' fate might not lie with the rebellion. At least not with Mon Mothma's rebellion. There's three main things I took out of this trailer that I really want to see besides the fate of the Ghost's crew. First, there's the overall fate of Mandalore. I went from not really caring about this much, to this being the thing I want to see the most. They've really done this Mandalore build-up right. Second, there was the heavy influence of Saw Gerrera. He trained with Anakin Skywalker & Ashoka Tano in the Clone Wars, & somehow become a robotic shell of himself. Only to be very oddly acted by one of my favorite actors, Forest Whitaker in Rogue One. I'm hoping we get some signs into the overall mind frame & the robotics that make up the character between Star Wars Clone Wars & the events of Rogue One. Third, there's one of my favorite villains they've been re-inventing, Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn got thrown away when the pre-Disney novels got labeled non-canon & re-dubbed Legends. He was by far the best thing about all of the Legend novels combined. It was great to see him re-invented last season, I just wanted more. Anyway, this trailer has me totally pumped. I can't wait for October 16. What did y'all think? What stood out? Put it in the comments, like, & share.