Major Rey Development In D23 Trailer For Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

This is why I'm holding off a bit on my D23 wrap-up video. The big news is obviously Disney+, but there are some looks at things that were given that I'm hoping we'll get a look at. This is one if them. Even though it's more of a montage than a trailer, this Star Wars footage drove everyone nuts with an end that will keep us speculating until Rise of Skywalker's release. Rey wielding a double bladed, RED lightsaber. I’m not even going to begin speculating on this one. Mainly because my head went in so many different directions. From she’s turned, to it's a trick, no a vision, to it's clone, all the way to no shes's a clone. They can literally go anywhere with this. Crazy thing is, I didn't think there was much else they could do to get me excited for this movie. Totally wrong. I can’t wait to see where all this winds up. Awesome look. What’d y'all think? Did I miss any possibilities? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Daisey Ridley Is Done After Episode IX, But Does It Even Matter?

Apparently Rolling Stone was all over the future of the Star Wars galaxy. They've got Rey (Daisy Ridley) on acknowledging that after Episode IX she's done. She doesn't rule out maybe coming back in 30 years or so, but for now he seems pretty set on being done. Her services may not be needed however as J.J. Abrams confirmed he sees the Skywalker saga ending after Episode IX, saying the future is "in flux". Wow. Makes sense though, on both fronts. Thirty years apart for the future has seemed to work so well so far, why not try to repeat that success? I have a feeling this Episode IX, just like Return of the Jedi, will give us a nice wrap up to sit on for awhile. Plus, people are screaming for some Old Republic stuff. Personally, I'd even take some just pre-Phantom Menace stuff as well. Mace, Jango Fett, any young "insert-Jedi-here".... Nope, give Ahsoka a movie! Anyway, see? Skywalker can easily be an every thirty year thing. That's provided we don't get a definitive end in Episode IX.. We gotta factor in the fact that the family line might just end. What do y'all think though? Put it in the comments, like, & share.
