New Star Wars Films Set In “High Republic Era”

Been awhile since I've wrote anything, but this is pretty big. has reported sources placing the next saga in the “High Republic era. Usually very reputable, they say this sounds like it will be 400 years before the Skywalker saga. During a time of Bane's Rule of Two, & a much younger Jedi Yoda. Notice it says Saga, as reportedly this will not be a trilogy. Instead a saga of films that are interconnected via the era they’re told in. Supposedly this is what was supposed to go to Benoiff & Weiss before they moved on. Nothing really much in details other than this, & it will involve Jedi & non-Jedi. I can’t help but be a little concerned. I loved The Last Jedi, but that love wasn’t universal due mainly to its surprises, & stray from the EU. Here we’ve got what looks like the closest thing to Knights of the Old Republic we’re ever gonna get. That said we’re once again touching familiar ground that probably won’t be familiar at all if they want a good film. The masses have proved though, they want their Star Wars to be predictable, & only move in the directions they have already approved in their own heads. So, all in all I'm cautiously excited for this, as I've wanted a new cinematic spin on these times. Unlike others though, I feel like it should pull form history but not give us something we’ve already seen. Shake it up. Anyway, what’s y’all's thoughts? Do you wanna see a rehash of KOTOR, or something new with the original material just used as inspiration? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


Mark Hamill To Get Spot On Walk Of Fame, Que Star Wars Puns

That's no moon. Luke Skywalker is getting a Star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. Mark Hamill, most known for the previously mentioned role, long time voice of the Joker, & an awesome Twitter presence, will be joined by Harrison Ford & George Lucas on Thursday, March 8th at 11:30 to accept this prestigious honor according to Variety. I've noticed a lot of action on the Walk Of Fame as of late. I once had thought this wasn't really a big thing anymore, but it seems it's still going strong. Congrats to Hamill for this amazing recognition. You definitely proved you deserve it after Star Wars: The Last Jedi.  What do y'all think? Not only of Hamill getting a star (as awesome as that is), but also the rise in Walk Of Fame popularity recently? Is this a thing for y'all still? It meant so much when I was a kid, it just dwindled a little in between now & then. Put it in the comments, like, & share.
