First Episode Of "Star Wars: Forces of Destiny" Debuts

The first episode of Star Wars: Forces of Destiny debuted today. Titled Sands of Jakku, this short takes place right after the initial meet-up of Rey & BB-8 "in-between the lines" of The Force Awakens. Out of all the clips I had seen in the trailer, this was the one that least interested me. It turns out I was right, as this is nothing that's going to further any story along. However, this was made in the name of "girl power" to attract young girls to Star Wars, & in that it succeeds. My about to be 4 year old daughter loved this. BB-8 is her favorite thing in life, so this was right up her alley. It is a cute short too, don't get me wrong. It's just more Blip than Clone Wars or Rebels. I'm hoping as we get into more of these they have more of a significance to the whole picture. As opposed to little shorts holding no actual meaning in the Star Wars galaxy. Anyway, check it out, I would love to know what you think. Put it down below, like, & share.