Two More Episodes Released Of "Star Wars: Forces of Destiny" & I Just Want More

Episode 3 & 4 of the female-centric Star Wars: Forces of Destiny were released, & I can't help but feel like I want more out of this series. Episode 3, Ewok Escape, takes place as Wicket leads Princess Leia to the Ewok village. They come across some stormtroopers on the way, & in a nutshell Leia learns that the little bears are pretty capable. This was a cute short. It fills in a small spot in Jedi, which is pretty cool. Just insignificant really. I keep thinking about how bad I wanted these to actually mean something significant to the Star Wars lore. So far they're just cute throwaways. Leading me to Episode 4, The Padwan Path. This was probably the most disappointing to me. When I saw Ahsoka in the original trailer for these I was very excited. I'm taking into consideration that might be why I was so let down. You get a story of Ahsoka as a padwan running into some trouble while trying to make a ceremony with Anakin & Yoda in time. This could have been I perfect time to throw in a little tease of life in-between leaving Anakin & the Order, & returning to face Vader. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, do yourself a favor & watch Clone Wars & Rebels. You're Welcome.) Anyway, there's still more of these to go to right the ship's course. Am I wanting too much outta these though? Let me know what y'all think down below in the comments, like, & share.