Live Action "Lilo & Stitch" Coming!!!

I had to take some time from un packing to address this one for sure. Yesterday a THR exclusive reported that Lilo & Stitch  was the next in of a long line of live action remakes!! This is amazing! This live action/CGI retelling will be penned by Mike Van Waes, & will be produced by Dan Lin & Jonathan Eirich of Rideback, formerly Lin Pictures. The two are already getting their breaks wet on the remake of Aladdin . It's totally unknown whether this will be a major release or another in the barrel for Disney's streaming service launching in 2019. Personally, I'm hoping for major release. Stitch is probably more popular now, than anytime of the original's release. Or any of the straight to video sequels for that matter. However, he became one of my all time favorite Disney characters from the jump. The most intriguing piece to this for me though, has been Van Waes. Before I even read this article, I thought that a live action Stitch film would be terrifying. Van Waes being attached halfway confirms that thought, being mostly known throughout Hollywood for writing horror, penning The Crooked Man  & Oz horror themed Not in Kansas.  If that resume is anything to take examples from, Stitch might be cute, fluffy, & absolutely terrifying. I can't wait! If this is a major release I feel like I should go ahead & get in line now for tickets. What about y'all? Thoughts on live action Lilo & Stitch ? Put it in the comments, like, & share.
