New "Solo: A Star Wars Story" Trailer Has Me Still Wanting A Lando Movie

So the new trailer just dropped for Solo: A Star Wars Story , & the biggest thing I once again came to was how much I would rather have a Lando film in its place. Donald Glover seems to just demand attention in every one of these trailers. The more we get of him, the more it shows too. After getting that out of the way though, this is a really solid trailer. If it's a true example of what to expect from Solo, it might actually wind up defying the odds. Finally, I'm starting to get a since of Han out of Alden Ehrenreich. Not much, but I'm starting to see a little of what becomes the smuggler we know & love. I'm also getting the sense that Woody Harrelson is going to deliver, as usual. He looks like he just really slid right into this role. This look here is the first I've actually been fully excited for this movie. It's still just a trailer, I've seen it go pear shaped from here. Going fromjust it though, this film looks like it could be even better than Rogue One: A Star Wars Story . Let me know what y'all think of the trailer below. Put it in the comments, like, & share.