J.J. Abrams To Write/Direct Episode IX, Release Date Pushed Back

"Star Wars: Return of the J.J."  It's all anyone was talking about yesterday. I don't even know exactly where I heard it from. It was everywhere, but J.J. Abrams, the man who started all this in motion with Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be returning to finish up this current installment of the Skywalker trilogy with Episode IX. I should be ecstatic, this is the guy who not only brought back Star Trek, he made it cool. I love Star Trek, but even I never thought that would be possible. However, I can't help but think of one thing that keeps nagging in the back of my mind. The best way to put it is, I love how J.J. starts things off, I'm just not usually to crazy when he tries to end things. Making him perfect for something like Awakens, but leaving me a little worried in the Episode IX department. Remember LOST? Started off amazing; we won't discuss the ending though. Also, included with this news was the news Chris Terrio will co-write with Abrams. If that name sounds familiar it's because he also co-wrote Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Which though I'm a defender of, it's never been because of the writing. I've got to say, I'm actually growing concerned for this movie. I'm not the only one either, Variety followed this up this morning with the news that Episode IX will be abandoning it's May 24th release date for December 20, 2019. Many people saw this coming for awhile now, so it's not a giant surprise. Especially after this giant change of plans. Fingers crossed though, Abrams has done some amazing things. If he's ever going to wrap something up perfectly let's just hope this is the one. What do y'all think though? I'm really curious as the reception this gets. Put it in the comments, like, & share.


Star Wars Untitled Han Solo Film Has Ron Howard Stepping In To Direct

After severing ties with Lord & Miller over creative differences we later learned were ongoing throughout filming the untitled Han Solo film has tapped former Happy Days alum, & very accomplished director Ron Howard. Best known for Splash, Cocoon, Willow, Apollo 13, & many more amazing films, he will take the helm after three or so months of shooting have already been completed. The release date unchanging, it's makes me wonder how much of this will be saved? I mean, these directors have two totally different styles. I'm hoping this doesn't feel like two separate movies mashed together now. At least no one will get worried about reshoots now, because I can pretty much guarantee those will be a thing. I was already worried about a flashback to this already classic, almost untouchable character. I won't start the emergency sirens yet, but let's just say as much as I love Ron Howard as a director, I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this. Let me know what you think? Is there trouble on the horizon for Han Solo or not? Let us know in the comments, like, & share.