Untitled Han Solo, I'm Getting A Bad Feeling About This

This Han Solo thing just seems to be on an unending downhill slope. With bad news just pouring from this film, now according to Screenrant, THR, in a write-up on problems plaguing Solo from the start, mentions Lucasfilm hired an acting coach late in production for Ehrenreich to get a better performance. Ouch. Not something you want to hear from a film that we're already hearing some nightmarish scenarios out of. It's not out of the norm to hire an acting coach, but it is strange late in the game. They do make sure to mention Lucasfilm used the words "not entirely satisfied". Which does leave room to think that it wasn't a total loss. I mean, they liked it enough to invest in a coach. If there's a silver lining to all this, at least all parties seem to know that they have to get Han Solo right, whether or not the film itself is good or bad. So, is it time to worry? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, like, & share.

Han Solo Alden Ehrenreich "Shot First"

Watching Collider & apparently in a report from Starwarsnewsnet.com our new Han Solo, Alden Ehrenreich was the first to bring it to the producers that the screwball comedy direction Lord & Miller were going in was changing the tone & story of the film. A source even went as far to describe it as "oddly comparable to Jim Carrey's performance in Ace Ventura at times." This info caused the higher ups to check everything out, & we know what happened next. I can't blame this guy. He's already in a no win situation. He's gotta live up to one of the most iconic characters to ever be on film. Not only that, if this thing goes all pear shaped he will be the one to take all the blame. Not saying that's fair, but that's what will happen. On another note, I still can't help but think. "What the hell is Ron Howard getting handed to him?" Is this thing salvageable? Or do they just scrap months of shooting, & restart? This is all the sudden becoming a movie of it's own. I'm sure the behind the scenes features on the Blu-Ray are going to be pretty interesting. Let me know your thoughts down below.  

Star Wars Untitled Han Solo Film Has Ron Howard Stepping In To Direct

After severing ties with Lord & Miller over creative differences we later learned were ongoing throughout filming the untitled Han Solo film has tapped former Happy Days alum, & very accomplished director Ron Howard. Best known for Splash, Cocoon, Willow, Apollo 13, & many more amazing films, he will take the helm after three or so months of shooting have already been completed. The release date unchanging, it's makes me wonder how much of this will be saved? I mean, these directors have two totally different styles. I'm hoping this doesn't feel like two separate movies mashed together now. At least no one will get worried about reshoots now, because I can pretty much guarantee those will be a thing. I was already worried about a flashback to this already classic, almost untouchable character. I won't start the emergency sirens yet, but let's just say as much as I love Ron Howard as a director, I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this. Let me know what you think? Is there trouble on the horizon for Han Solo or not? Let us know in the comments, like, & share.

Still Untitled, Han Solo Film Fires Director Pair Lord & Miller

"Phil Lord & Christopher Miller are talented filmmakers who have assembled an incredible cast & crew, but it's become clear that we had different creative visions on this film, & we've decided to part ways. A new director will be announced soon." That was the quote from Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm on StarWars.com. Phil Lord & Christopher Miller are most known for pulling off what seemed impossible in making a great movie about building blocks, The LEGO Movie. They had to say, "Unfortunately, our vision & process weren't aligned with our partners on this project. We normally aren't fans of the phrase 'creative differences' but for once this cliché is true. We are really proud of the amazing & world-class work of our cast & crew. The film has been shooting for awhile now & remains scheduled for May 2018. I'm not sure what to think here. I was excited to see these guys take on something not in the realm of a full comedic nature. I never know what to take out of the term "creative differences". You would figure these guys go through a type of interview setting where they would get that all on the table, but I'm starting to think studios want a big name so bad they hire & talk about it later. The scary part of this is this leaves Han Solo with no one at the helm & less than a year to go. Curious to see who's shoulders this fall on, & how long the now dreaded, inevitable re-shoots will take. What do y'all think? Is it time to have a bad feeling about this? And should studios start to go over these things in more detail? We see more & more of this every day. Leave it in the comments, like, & share.