Big Game TV Spot For "Toy Story 4"

Proving how expensive Superbowl ads have become Disney went for before with their Marvel ads, & after the game for this "Toy Story 4" ad. This clip totally made me laugh out loud too. Woody & Bo Peep get to a carnival, when Bo Peep asks where's Buzz. When Woody tells her he'll probably catch up, you skip to Buzz getting attached to a fence as a carney game prize. This gives us what I'm betting us the first actual scene with Ducky & Bunny, & it's great. I myself, don't think the intro scene for them we got earlier is actually in the film. This however, I'm guessing definitely is. Not wanting to loose their spot as top prize to Buzz, they fight back. Hilarity ensues. I really liked this, once again short, 30 second, trailer. Just enough to get a laugh, & showcase one of the set pieces for the film. Yet, at the same time, not really give away anything. That's 3 short trailers for the big game, & I dug everyone of them. In fact, it might be time to hang up the long super trailer, go back to these. Less to speculate on might help overall results of people being let down due to drawing their own conclusions. What did y'all think though? Put it in the comments, like, & share.