Countdown To "Incredibles 2" With Two New Clips

I can't believe we're close to only a week away from Incredibles 2 . I got my tickets so long ago, I didn't even know we were this close. Disney*Pixar just released these 2 new clips for anyone that's still not quite on board. These clips fill in two scenes that have already been heavily featured in the trailers. Which is great in itself, just because we only spoil scenes we've basically already seen. Great movie marketing. These are great clips to extend on too. The cookie clip has Frozone seeing what Mr. Incredible has been going through while playing "Mr. Mom". This clip has some great one-liners in it, & if this is something we can hope to experience throughout.. we're in for a real treat. The second clip is more of the scene that I'm guessing opens the film. If so, probably the debut of Frozone this time around as well. Everyone really gets a chance to shine here, & I can't wait to see the rest of this action sequence. These have got me tallying down the days until next Wednesday. I signed up for the double feature, so I'm really going to get to see how this weighs against the first next Wesnesday. Anyway, what do y'all think of the clips? Put it in the comments, like, &