Set Pieces For Dumbo Are Amazing!!

This behind the scenes look at Dreamland for the upcoming live action Dumbo  is amazing! I'm as blown away by the set as Michael Keaton when he says he first saw it. I never expected this much of this film would be real. Especially with are reliance on CGI nowadays. And I'm not knocking CGI at all. I just feel like it's best used only in instances where it has to be. It looks as if Tim Burton thinks the same way. The number of talented extras brought, plus the scope of this amazing set proves that. I can't wait to see this film. Tickets go on sale today. So the countdown begins. Until then, what do y'all think of this amazing set though? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

New Dumbo Sneak Peek Delivers On The Unexpected

I was not expecting that last scene of this new sneak peek for Dumbo at all! Every time they give us a new look it completely peaks my interest even more than the last. And this was no exception at all. Finally, we're getting to see why Eva Green deserves that character poster as they show her soaring atop the flying elephant. I almost wish they'd have saved that for a theater reveal. Nonetheless it was just as surprising to see it now. I also loved the flight prep scene, literally treating his ears as wings. That was great. Just a couple more reasons for me to be super excited for this film. I'm find myself hoping however, that this is the last time we see unseen footage for this one. I feel like we've reached that point where we've seen enough. Now just give us the film. What do y'all think? One, did you love the new bits in this peek? Particularly the two mentioned. Two, have we seen enough already until opening day? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Dumbo Arcade Fire Reveal Contains Dangerous Levels Of Cuteness

Ok, so I know this was to reaveal Arcade Fire's version of "Baby Mine". Which is great, but I took out tow different things from this. The first was the absolute cute fest that was Dumbo playing with his mom. The second was a first real look at Michael Keaton's quick shift to villain. Both of these things has me screaming, "Just take my money already!" Really though, I've had Captain Marvel  tickets for what? Like a month or two now? This film is at the end of this month, & I need to see no more. Take my money please. I officially can't wait. Anyway, prepare yourself for absolute cuteness, & check this out while we impatiently wait for tickets to finally go on sale.

Dumbo Behind The Scenes Video

I loved this behind the scenes video. Mainly because it gave me a whole new outlook on this film. The first thing besides all the new glimpses was the blue between whYs actually real & what's CGI. I couldn't believe all the actual set pieces & extras I was seeing. Looking like they might've found a great blend of CGI & real elements to create that perfect realistic fantasy. The other thing that hit me is when they were talking about how Tim Burton really understands this element & these characters. The sort of abnormal characters that they are. It immediately made me think of another Burton circus in the form of Big Top PeeWee . Love or hate the film, he captured the reality of circus life so well. It made me for the first time think he might have been the perfect pick for this. We won't know for sure until March 29th, but with this I'm more excited for this one than I was before watching. What do y'all think? Is Dumbo on your must-see list? Do you have faith in Tim Burton with this one? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

New Sneak Peek For "Dumbo" Has Me Super Pumped

For me this sneak peek has been the best look we've got so far for Disney's upcoming live action Dumbo . It gives a real look at how they're blending things from the original animation with this new original take. I actually can't pinpoint one thing I didn't just thoroughly enjoy from this trailer. Keaton looks like he's going to be absolutely amazing as a wolf in sheeps clothing villain. While Devito also came off as just the epitome of his character as it's been explained, just trying to keep his failing circus afloat. You can see in these short takes that Colin Farrell & the kids are totally going to supply the heart to this film. And I really feel much like 80s Superman we will believe an elephant can fly. My excitement level has jumped 100 times with this peek, & I'm now counting down the days until we get to see this film. Check it out though, & by all means I'd love to hear your thoughts as well. Put 'em in the comments, like, & share.

Did You Catch The New "Dumbo" Trailer?

A new trailer & beautiful poster for Disney's upcoming live-action Dumbo  soaring to theaters March 29th 2019 was released last night. It sheds some of the first light on the new story involving much more humanity than its animated predecessor. It's definitely left me intrigued, the cast lineup is phenomenal, & I'm sure it helps Dumbo is just friggin' adorable. In fact my only concern is still the unknown. This was one of the animated films that really seemed they were going to reinvent it. I didn't like how that worked out with Maleficent at all. That said, I also felt that one in particular needed no reinvention. Where as Dumbo  would just be a CGI animated film without some human elements added in. To help touch on those unknown human elements the trailer was also accompanied with this synopsis: "Circus owner Max Medici (Danny DeVito) enlists former star Holt Farrier (Colin Farrell) and his children Milly (Nico Parker) and Joe (Finley Hobbins) to care for a newborn elephant whose oversized ears make him a laughingstock in an already struggling circus. But when they discover that Dumbo can fly, the circus makes an incredible comeback, attracting persuasive entrepreneur V.A. Vandevere (Michael Keaton), who recruits the peculiar pachyderm for his newest, larger-than-life entertainment venture, Dreamland. Dumbo soars to new heights alongside a charming and spectacular aerial artist, Colette Marchant (Eva Green), until Holt learns that beneath its shiny veneer, Dreamland is full of dark secrets." This sounds really good. Just going off this & what I've seen to this point, I have to say I'm really excited for this movie. I’m hoping this can build on the original with these new ideas. Rather than try to heavily change what we still all know from the classic. Love to know what y'all think? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


First Dumbo Trailer Has Arrived!!

A teaser is finally upon us for Disney's live-action Dumbo , & it looks amazing! It looks like a best of Tim Burton mash up going all the way back to Big Top Pee Wee . This was the live action film I've been most curious about. Burton's mark on a Dumbo? The idea intrigued me, & I'm loving how it looks in this teaser. Burton has a habit of overtly putting his mark all over his films. You can turn on later Burton films for a second & know they're his. The first thing I loved about this teaser is even though you can see his mark in spots, it seems more subtle like his older films. We've really got to address the elephant in the room though. Dumbo. I know when I first saw the pics earlier this year, I found them quite unsettling. Little soulless abomination, I think were my words. I did also say I reserved full judgment until I see him in motion, & once they breath life into him,  he's friggin adorable. Not much story wise to the trailer, but a real good sense of what to expect from the visuals. Even what looked like a pink elephant scene was thrown in there. This teaser did its job though. I'm now pretty pumped for this March 2019 release, which the description  reads as "the all-new grand live-action adventure “Dumbo” expands on the beloved classic story where differences are celebrated, family is cherished and dreams take flight. Circus owner Max Medici (Danny DeVito) enlists former star Holt Farrier (Colin Farrell) and his children Milly (Nico Parker) and Joe (Finley Hobbins) to care for a newborn elephant whose oversized ears make him a laughingstock in an already struggling circus. But when they discover that Dumbo can fly, the circus makes an incredible comeback, attracting persuasive entrepreneur V.A. Vandevere (Michael Keaton), who recruits the peculiar pachyderm for his newest, larger-than-life entertainment venture, Dreamland. Dumbo soars to new heights alongside a charming and spectacular aerial artist, Colette Marchant (Eva Green), until Holt learns that beneath its shiny veneer, Dreamland is full of dark secrets." There's definitely a lot more to this than the animated classic. I was kinda "meh" on this one until this teaser. What do y'all think? Did this do it for ya? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

First Look At Creepy, Live Action "Dumbo"

So, we've known Tim Burton was directing next year's live action Dumbo . The cast is just as unique as that statement with Colin Farrell, Eva Green, Danny Devito, & Michael Keaton taking up the role of the villain. I feel like that last part needed a question mark. I still can't really get my head around a villain. The stranger this lineup got, I couldn't wait for them to finally address the elephant in the room. Yup, I went there. Anyway, the day has come WDW News Today just released this pic taken during a sneak peek at CinemaCon. Now before I go on, this is a sneak peek. There is a chance it still needs some touchup. Final effects may not be put in. This is also just a still shot. That said, look at that creepy, little, bastard. If I was terrified of elephants, it would be because I see them like that. He looks like he's plotting something evil. The pink elephant scene is going to be absolutely horrifying. In his defense, I thought Paddington looked pretty terrifying as well until I saw the movie. He just wasn't as creepy when brought to life. I hope this goes the same way. What do y'all think? Am I wrong? Cute? Creepy? The saddest thing is the more I look at him the cuter he gets. Still disturbing for some reason, but cuter. Put it in the comments, like, & share.


Disney Throws Us Some New & Updated Release Dates

Disney released the newest upcoming release date line-up, & it now includes dates for Aladdin, Christopher Robin, Artemis Fowl & more. I was just going take the easy way out & list the new ones, but I figured why not list the whole thing? Here's Disney's upcoming release line up: 

  • Thor: Ragnarok (November 3, 2017): Literally already have tickets for this one. 
  • Coco (November 22, 2017): I was worried at first with this being so close to the material of Book of Life, but I can't get enough of what I've seen so far.
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi (December 15, 2017): Every time the trailer for this film plays I stop what I'm doing. Doesn't matter where I am. I can't wait for this.  
  • Black Panther (February 16, 2018): I didn't know much about the Black Panther until I watched the cartoon mini-series from awhile before the MCU. I loved that series though. Hoping this follows suit.
  • A Wrinkle in Time (March 9, 2018): I'm not sure what to think of this yet. The trailer showed they've definitely got the means & the budget to make this, this time around. It's a very intriguing story.
  • Dolphins (April 20, 2018): Saw my first DisneyNature film in theaters with the China one this year, & I'm thinking that's going to become our new Earth Day thing. Beautiful film. 
  • Avengers: Infinity War (May 4, 2018): Can this just happen already?
  • Untitled Han Solo Star Wars Story (May 25, 2018): Hopefully this movie will overcome it's many developmental problems & have a name by the time it's released.
  • Incredibles 2 (June 15, 2018): Why have we waited so long? This should've been a thing already.
  • Untitled Christopher Robin Project (August 3, 2018): This is probably one of the most intriguing films on this list. This will either be great or just wrong on so many levels. Love Ewan McGregor though.
  • The Nutcracker & the Four Realms (November 2, 2018): I had never heard of this until today, but with Keira Knightley, Helen Mirren, & Morgan Freeman, I will make a point to hear more.
  • Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (November 21, 2018): Loved the first. Heard the sneak peek at D23 was great.
  • Mary Poppins Returns (December 25, 2018): Fingers crossed. It's been a long time. Emily Blunt & Lin-Manuel Miranda though? It's gotta be good right?
  • Dumbo (March 29, 2019): Tim Burton? Really? Have you heard about the new story? This is the one on this list, if any, that I just don't know about this one working at all.
  • Untitled DisneyToon Studios Film (April 12, 2019): Aviation. That's everything known about this movie. I have more faith in that than Dumbo.
  • Live-Action Aladdin (May 24, 2019): This one is shaping up to be ever so strange. I have to see it just for that fact. Can all the peculiar choices work?
  • Toy Story 4 (June 21, 2019): Can I get tickets for this now? Only question I have is will this coincide with the opening of Toy Story Land?
  • Artemis Fowl (August 9, 2019): I kinda see this as Disney's answer to Harry Potter. I hope this is good enough to make me want to read the books as well. 
  • Nicole (November 8, 2019): This is the weird daughter of Santa Claus movie starring Anna Kendrick. This thing is still happening.
  • Star Wars: Episode IX (December 20, 2019): Newest test in J.J. Abrams ending something as good as he begins them.

Any of these stand out? Any of these you want to go away? Hit the links for everything heard so far, & then put your thoughts in the comments, like, & share.


Does Dumbo Have its Villian?

According to Variety it just might. They say that Disney is currently in negotiations with Michael Keaton to play the villain in the upcoming live-action Dumbo. Hot off Birdman & Spider-Man Homecoming in "don't call it a comeback" mode, Keaton looks like he would practically switch roles with, also onboard, Danny DeVito from 1992's Batman Returns. A film also directed by Tim Burton. These three would be joined by also currently in talks, Colin Ferrell & Eva Green. Still don't know about the story they have lined up, but the casting is on point. I've been a fan of practically everything Keaton has ever done. So, this is an obvious plus for me. What do you think of Dumbo shaping up to be a Batman reunion? Let us know in the comments, like, & share.

15 Live-Action Remakes & My Thoughts

Chip & Company sent out a list of upcoming 15 Disney live-action remakes today & I figured I'd share my thoughts on each of them. Most of these are expected, but there's a few surprises & a couple thay may just leave you scratching your head. So with no further ado, I give you:

  • The Lion King: We've talked about this one recently with rumors that director, Jon Favreau eyeing Beyonce for Nala. She would join already casted Donald Glover & James Earl Jones. Yeah, ain't it great that the only replacement for James Earl Jones isJames Earl Jones. I'm excited for this. Jon Favreau did great with Jungle Book, giving me very little to worry about on this one.
  • Mulan: To also be a subject later. We got writers Lauren Hynek & Elizabeth Martin along with director Niki Caro who can't make up her mind on if or where music has a place in this film. (More on that later.) I'm actually looking mord forward to this than I ever was the animated version. I love martial arts epics, & that sounds like what we'll be getting with this.
  • Aladdin: One of, if not my favorite of the classics. We've got a team of directors in Guy Ritchie & John August, & I'm not sure if this worries or excites me. Though it seems a strange pick, I've got a bigger list of Guy Ritchie films I've enjoyed than I haven't.  So that being said I'm more than intrigued.
  • Jungle Book 2: Jon Favreau's directing is all we know about this one & this is one of the head scratchers for me. With Disney's track record for sequels you would figure this slot would br open for a different remake. So basically, I want to see this still, I'm just hoping I want to see it again afterward.
  • Maleficent 2: Screenwriter Linda Woolverton & main title role Angelina Jolie are coming back on for who cares? I mean really, the first one went out of it's way to destroy one of the greatest on screen villians of all time. How? By making her not a villian. Otherwise played perfectly, this film took the evil out of a villian so hateful she wished death upon a baby just for not being invited to a party.  So on this sequel, I'll pass.
  • Mary Poppins Returns: This one's not a remake, but a sequel. It's currently has Emily Blunt as the main character, Lin-manuel Miranda, and Dick Van Dyke returning to his role. I found a love for Mary Poppins late in life and that's probably one of the reasons that I am secretly looking very much forward to the sequel.
  • Snow White: Now this one's a little iffy for me. Mainly because it seems like it's been done a lot recently. However I will give it a chance, as it's one of my favorite stories, and nobody does stories like Disney does stories. Anyway, we have Priscilla Wilson as a writer and Justin Paul and Benj Pasek will be writing new original music for the film.
  • Rose Red: I don't know much of what to say about this one, and it's mainly because I don't know what this one's about. Apparently Snow White and Rose Red is about two sisters that encounter an enchanted bear. It's also rumored that this film is not going to follow that storyline anyway. So it looks like anyone who does know about this one, well, they might not really know about it either.
  • The Little Mermaid: I tell you this, we know the music's going to be amazing. Lin-manuel Miranda is teaming up with the original songwriter Alan Menken to write a new music to go along with the pre-existing songs in the film. This especially gets my attention as new music sounds like new scenes, and new scenes sound like the expanding a story that I've always loved. Even if I thought was a little short to begin with.
  • Peter Pan: Another one the list we don't know too much about other than it's directed by David Lowery and written by Lowery and Toby Halbrooks. I personally can't wait for another Peter Pan as many people have tried this since the animated version, and Hook has been the closest thing to get it right. Which doesn't really count as it's a sequel.
  • Oliver & Company: Tommy Kail is on board to direct this remake that was about a cat that got taken in by a bunch of street smart dogs. One of the best things about this was the music and hopefully we can recapture that. As a kid this burned into me that Billy Joel was the man. This was another one of my childhood favorites.
  • James & the Giant Peach: This was announced last year to be written by Nick Hornby and directed by Sam Mendes. It'll be a live-action remake of the '96 stop-action film. While James and the Giant Peach never really stood out for me, I am very curious to see how someone would pull off something so ambitious to try to create in live-action.
  • Winnie the Pooh: I love this silly old bear. The film is supposed to be directed by Marc Forster and written by Alex Ross Perry and there's a rumor that it could be titled Christopher Robin. I've heard many theories on this live-action movie and all of them sound just as great as the next.
  • Dumbo: Oh Dumbo. Written by Ehren Krueger, directed by Tim Burtonm with Colin Farrell and Danny DeVito in talks to star I just don't know really what to think about this one. With talk of a family from Kentucky, a big ring circus taking over a small ring circus, and no talk of flying elephants I'm not sure what we're even going to get with this one.
  • Cruella: With Emma Stone set to star in the title role I don't know whether to be excited or reserved on this actually happening, and I think most of that lands on Maleficent. Thankfully, I don't see any way even Disney could turn someone who wants to kill a bunch of puppies for a coat, into any shade of a good person. So, if that's the case, this might finally be the villain picture I was looking for.

So there you go there's my thoughts on the big 15 coming out sooner or later. What do you think? Do you agree, do you disagree? Do you have some altogether different insights? I would love to hear it, let me know in the comments, and don't forget to like and share.

Live Action Dumbo to Add Colin Farrell?

According to Dateline this strange, Tim Burton live action remake of Dumbo that Disney's putting together is now in talks with Colin Farrell. He's in talks join Danny Devito & Eva Green play a widowed father of two kids from Kentucky and this news just puts me more on the side of what is going on with Dumbo? I've heard so much about parts of this Dumbo now that I'm starting to wonder if we're even going to get a flying elephant. We've got circus Masters, evil circus Masters, & now we got this guy with two kids from Kentucky, and nobody's even talking about a mouse, singing crows, or a flying elephant. I mean, what do y'all think? Leave a message in the comments and let me know.


What's Going On with Dumbo?

This sure ain't your daddy's Dumbo. So, Hollywood Reporter confirmed that Danny DeVito is in talks to add to the live action retelling of Dumbo being directed by Tim Burton. Believe it or not that is not the strangest thing about this story. He will be playing Medici, running a small circus that gets taken over by the evil ringmaster of rival circus giant, Vandemere. If you're having trouble remembering all this from the animated classic, don't worry. You're not having your own case of the "pink elephants", it's just not there. So fingers crossed Dumbo will be a prominent feature in the movie that appears to be running beside him.