Empire interviewed Neal Scanlon, Oscar-winning head of the Creature Workshop for Star Wars, & he talked about the creatures you've seen in the various previews for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. That being said, I'm obviously going to start this with some Porgs. Those adorable little space penguins that I already own so many versions of I can tell are marketing gold. His exact words involving the adorable inhabitants Achh-To, Luke's thinking place, was, "With Ahch-To, it felt like the only creatures that would ever exist on this island were those indigenous to it, where very few other species and DNA would have reached them." Going on describing their relation to the Caretakers, also shown below, "So they're an extrapolation from the porgs & have bird-like feet, but they're a further developed race." And ugly. Kinda strange something so cute just evolved into something so... not. Still staying on porgs he also mentions the porg shown with Chewie is actually a friend of the Wookie, & his color pattern is also very similar to the Mighty Chewbacca as well. So that little porg in the Falcon is not just there, he's Chewies new buddy, & I think that's amazing. I also might be a little jealous, I want a porg friend. It don't even have to match my color pattern. He talks a little about those totally sick Crystal Foxes mentioning that the do have crystalline fur, with theory that they've fed off the planet for so long they're taking on the characteristics of the planet's surface. The last part throws me a little off, & is becoming one of my only concerns on this film. With rumor BB-8 has a girlfriend, & we already know he has an evil counterpart, BB-9E, I'm a little worried how the awesome little droid is going to be used this time around. I guess I'm just worried it could come off a little silly, I'm talking Jar-Jar silly at that. Who knows it could work though. In regards to BB-8 he mentions a scene with him in disguise trying to evade being discovered by his new nemesis BB-9E. They've done these droid things in the comics & in the animated works. I think the biggest part that concerns me is even in the ones I've enjoyed, they're definitely not in a "favorites" category. That's my take, what's your thoughts on this revelation of creatures? Put it in the comments, like, & share.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Offically Finished
And with this picture released on director Rian Johnson's Instagram, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is officially complete. Giving a shout out to the hardest working post production team in the galaxy, he has confirmed that Last Jedi has wrapped & is "in the can". This is exciting news for the one film besides Force Awakens since Disney bought Lucasfilm, to finish without a major hitch. Yes, we tragically lost Carrie Fisher, but her loss is seeming to effect Episode IX far more than it's effects were felt on the actual developments that take place in The Last Jedi. Looks like the only thing left now is the battle for tickets & the wait for December 15th, opening day. Thrilling news though, Last Jedi is officially done. What do y'all think? What's your level of excitement going in? Anything that must happen for your enjoyment? Put it in the comments, like, & share.
Star Wars Vanity Fair Article Dropped Online Today & It's Definitely Worth A Look
The Star Wars article from Vanity Fair dropped today. To check it out click here. Written by David Kamp with pictures by Annie Leibovitz, this is a really in-depth look behind the scenes of The Last Jedi with little to no spoilers. Depending on your view of spoiler. Mark Hamill talks about his feelings on the use of Luke in The Force Awakens, Rian Johnson talks Luke Skywalker, the "newbies" to the original Star Wars cast reveal some of their experiences, & everyone involved discusses the late Carrie Fisher & how important she was to them all. Then there's Leibovitz's amazing pictures. I've collaged them below to encourage you to check them out further I definitely want to point out some specifically though. We got some looks at new folks & places. There's Benicio del Toro's unnamed, "shady character", looking a lot like original "lived in" Star Wars. Then Laura Dern dressed straight outta the "Prequels" regalness, playing Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo, an officer in the resistance. We get a couple shots of the characters from new hotspot Canto Bight, a casino city that looks like it will be populated with various creatures much like Mos Eisley, except for ballers. These all look really good. The rest are just extensions of the covers released yesterday, except for the absolutely touching photos of Carrie Fisher. One with her daughter Billy Lourd & the other with Mark Hamill. These are probably the most beautiful pictures I've seen in a long time. Anyway, tell us in the comments what you think of this article, as well as these spectacular pictures. I will definitely be picking up this issue now.
A Star Wars First For Vanity Fair With A Set of Covers
For the first time Vanity Fair will launch a set of multiple Star Wars covers. The accompanied story on the making of The Last Jedi by David Kamp with the rest of the photo shoot by Annie Leibovitz will hit New York & Los Angeles & arrive nationally June 6. We're gonna take a minute to talk about these covers though. Cover A has Luke (Mark Hamill) & Rey (Daisy Ridley) where we left them in The Force Awakens. However, they look pretty ticked off. Leaving me to wonder why. Cover B has Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) looking the most serious I've seen him so far. Finn (John Boyega), who was in a coma last we saw, looking like he's posing for GQ. Then there's newcomer Rose Tico (Kelly Marie Tran) with the "someone farted try not to laugh look", & BB-8, because, well, BB-8. That droid's awesome. Cover C, you've got Phasma (Gwendoline Christie), Hux (Domhnall Gleeson), & the now scarred up Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). They too, look pretty ticked off. Gotta love Phasma with her spear & no helmet. Hope we get some more, & by more I mean actually anything from her this time around. That character has a lot of potential. Then there's cover D. This one of the late Carrie Fisher as Leia is just regal. Call her General all you please but to me too, she is royalty. Cool covers as magazine covers go though. Wondering if any of the assessments made have anything to do with the films, or they're just stylized photos? The story sound cool. Talking about Kylo's wounds, hints at some Last Jedi Finn action. As well as reflections with the cast & director Rian Johson on Carrie Fisher & Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy discussing the expanded role Leia was to have in the final installment to this trilogy. I'll probably have to Pokémon these & collect them all. What do y'all think of these covers? Let us know in the comments, like, & share.
Kylo Ren Has The Slickest, Meanest Looking TIE Fighter Ever
Making Star Wars just happened to notice a pre-order form from Liechtenstein hobby shop Mikado for an upcoming Hot Wheels toy. What toy you ask? Oh, only what could be the coolest TIE Fighter ever. That's right, by pure accident (or sheer will of the Force), we have a photo of Kylo Ren's sleek TIE Fighter from the upcoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi. In the words of Jack Nicholson's Joker, "Where does he get all these wonderful toys?" I love this thing, & will probably own a version or two. Let us know in the comments what you think of this new addition to Kylo's arsenal?
Why did J.J. Abrams Change His Ending For "The Force Awakens"? That Wasn't The Droid Rian Johnson Was Looking For.
So Rian Johnson is directing the upcoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but apparently this will not be his first imprint in the Star Wars universe. In an interview with EW Johnson revealed he had asked J.J. Abrams for a big favor. What was that favor? Nothing big... Just changing his original ending for The Force Awakens. Johnson told EW, "I asked if R2 could come with Rey, & if BB-8 could stay behind with the Resistance." He goes on to say, "Originally it was BB-8 who went with Rey, which makes sense for the story in a way. But I asked, 'Can you do me this solid & switch the droids?'" We know the outcome, R2D2 accompanies Rey to Luke's island of seclusion to return his lightsaber. Seems like Johnson really wanted to get R2 & Mr. Skywalker back together again. The question is why? It could have something to do with the fact that Rian Johnson also told EW that when first sitting down to write The Last Jedi his first concern was Luke. he said, "Figuring out where his head was at was the very first thing I had to do when writing the movie. I had to crack this. And it had to be something for me that first & foremost made sense. Why did Luke Skywalker go off to this island?" He goes on to say how it has to be something that not only makes sense to Luke, it has to make sense to us. That's not only some amazing insight into The Last Jedi, it's also an awesome look at two people compromising for the sake of the whole. It's always great getting two or more greats on the same page. What do you think of these revelations? Let us know in the comments, like, & share.
With Teaser Comes Last Jedi Poster
I usually don't get that excited about a movie poster, but this thing is awesome. Compared to newer movie posters this one looks like it deserves to be in the past. It has a nostalgic feel to it, & puts it's emphasis where it should, with the last Jedi taking front & center. I'm glad they fought the urge to litter everything on here at once like The Force Awakens poster. Hopefully we'll get some sort of series of these for each character as this one really hit the mark.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi poster expanded.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Teaser Trailer is Here
The Star Wars: The Last Jedi teaser just dropped, & if you're expecting to learn any secrets about the upcoming film don't. It doesn't show much. However like great teasers do it does show you enough to peak your excitement & make it even harder to wait till December 15. Let ys know your thoughts in the comments. Like, share, & may the force be with you.
Rey Uses a Lightsaber in Last Jedi
"Comicbook" is in Nevada at Cinemacon this year reporting they have the Star Wars footage we're looking for. Not really though, saying the footage was super short. It featured Rey training with Luke's lightsaber. I'm honestly hoping someone screams spoiler 'bout this. Especially considering if you didn't think Rey was going to be training in the force, with Luke's lightsaber, I'd be forced to ask you if you had even seen "The Force Awakens". Dave Hollister, Disney exec, added a little info though saying, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" will pick up right with "The Force Awakens" left off." Also, adding, "Virtually all of our cast are back." There you go. Though, if you didn't know Rey was going to use lightsaber your insight does not serve you. What do you think is this significant? Or should they also release that Stormtroopers will be involved in this Star Wars this go around? Comment below, & don't forget to like & share.
Last Jedi to Have Assault Gorillas?
Just a forewarning cuz I know how people get when it comes to Star Wars. This contains spoilers for the new Star Wars film "The Last Jedi". Nothing major, but if you're one of those people who don't want to know anything about anything Star Wars then you do not want to read this article. Okay so for those who made it further, Jason Ward, the editor-in-chief over at "Making Star Wars", was talking about how he briefly got to see the new AT-AT style walkers from "Star Wars: The Last Jedi". They're going to be called "First Order Heavy Assault Walkers. He describes it as having reinforced legs and it kind of sits with its back lower than its front making it from head-on look kind of light a broad gorilla. He noted that these were actually called "Gorilla Walkers" informally by some of the crew during the production of the movie. The classic AT-AT only comes up to the belly of the new walker which is not only taller, but wider than it's predecessor. He goes on to describe it looks "like a generation 1 Transformer was mixed up with a AT-AT and a gorilla." Looks basically like we're just going to keep on the trend of the First Order doing things bigger and better than the Empire of old. As we've seen with the new Tie Fighters and the Stormtroopers with flamethrowers from "Force Awakens". He said there will be a big sequence containing a lot of these metal beasts so I can't wait. I think that's one of the things that I've been most attracted to when it comes to these new additions to Star Wars is watching how how the actual mythical technology advances. Anyway what do you think, bigger better, giant, gorilla looking AT-ATs? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to like and share.
Boy Band Singer Confirms Unknown Last Jedi Role
THR confirms that Gary Barlow, frontman of "Take That" and host of BBC talent show "Let It Shine" is going to have a cameo in the upcoming "Star Wars: The Last Jedi". He says, "I'm not a stormtrooper, but I am in it", speaking to UK Channel ITV's chat show "Lorraine". He also went on to say, "I think the Star Wars people are so strict about what information is out there. So me saying that I probably just done myself out of a roll." It's funny to think how much of that was just joking around and how much was actually serious. As we all know they don't play when it comes to Star Wars spoilers. Anyway, I have no frame of reference for Gary Barlow as I know nothing about "Take That" or the talent show "Let It Shine". So I don't really have a ground to stand on, but hey I didn't know who Daisy Ridley was either and look how that worked out.
Captain Phasma May Do Something!?!
So I like everyone else was pumped about this awesome chrome stormtrooper being featured everywhere in the lead-up to "The Force Awakens". Then I found out this chrome stormtrooper was a girl. This piqued my curiosity even more as the Empire had a bias against women in authority. Then the movie was released & we all know Captain Phasma was maybe in it for 5 minutes total. On top of that her part was much ado about nothing, as she did, well, nothing really. However, now "Making Star Wars" has quoted a source saying, "You are going to love Captain Phasma's spear in "The Last Jedi". She looks killer." Does this mean the shiny bucket-head will finally be the presence we were looking for in her debut? I'm hoping so, because so far the Captain Phasma in Hollywood Studios has more lines than the one in the movie. What are your expectations on Captain Phasma & is this too much, too little, too late?