New “Onward" Trailer. Wait, It's About What Now?

I've been wondering what a post-Lasseter Pixar was going to look like. If these trailers for Onward have been any sign, I’m a little worried about what's to come. While this looks like it could be hilarious, & the animation looks great, the previews make it seem like it’ll be somewhat forgettable. Like a DreamWorks film. While they’re good, they don’t seem to stick around & pop up in my everyday life forever like Disney, Disney/Pixar films do. This new trailer gives us a look into the actual plot, & for me it takes yet another step into DreamWorks territory. When both the brother pass 16 their dad left them magic wand that can bring him to life for 1 day. However, when they try, they only bring back his bottom half. The 3 go on a quest to finish the spell & return their dad fully. The unicorns once again were favorite part of the trailer. The rest looks like it could be absolutely hilarious, with a great team in Pratt & Holland. I just don’t know if it's going to move past hilarious to the kind of thing we’re used to from Pixar. Fingers crossed though. I want to see Pixar keep churning out classics. Curious to hear what others think about this one though. Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Second Pixar SparkShort "Smash And Grab" Was Everything I Hoped For!

This is how you hand over heavy handed material & still keep it innocent & entertaining! The second of the SparkShorts, Smash and Grab , is everything I've grown to expect from Pixar. It keeps its message disguised under a highly entertaining short about to robot friends just trying to get away. While at the same time covering over the struggle of mundane, everyday real life work that never seems to payoff. These robots just want to reach an unreachable goal of ascending to the ranks of the ones they work for everyday. Literally tied to their underling positions, for without then they'll die. Never experiencing the true freedom of not needing to keep working. I'm sure there's a higher percentage of people that can relate to this than can't. The real beauty here though, besides the animation, is how well its material is hidden. That's the real Pixar trick. From a child's eyes this will be read as two friends that just want to get away & be free together. While the rest is left up to an adult's view to decipher. I love how this was pulled off, & will definitely be sharing this one with my loved ones. This actually felt like it deserved the Pixar name. What did y'all think? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Disney Taking Another Shot At The Rocketeer, Well Kinda.

When I was 10-11 years old, all I wanted in life was a jetpack. Why? That was the year Disney released The Rocketeer . I wanted everything Rocketeer I could get my hands on. Ever since then I've been hungry for more. A sequel, even a remake, but this? This I'm just not too sure about. Disney just announced plans to bring The Rocketeer to Disney Junior. This will be a newly imagined animated series introducing a new Rocketeer. Receiving a package on her birthday, young Kit will be the next to take on the mantle of the Rocketeer. Gadget minded friend Tesh & mechanic uncle Ambrose will join her to help save the day with new gear & a new secret identity. Nicole Dubuc will produce the show, which will consist of two 11 minute episodes & an original song. It's produced by Wild Canary & Disney Junior, & I can't help but think this is a waste of this character. I won't know until it's on, but not even a remake made for TV? We get a children's cartoon? I'm just a little put off by this. Whok knows though? I could be selling Disney Junior short. They do have some programs I like. This is just surprising to say the least. I will check it out. Fingers crossed. What do y'all think though? Put it in the comments, like, & share.
